A customized, comprehensive, effective hair growth program.
Beginning with your first treatment, you’ll start reversing hair loss and rejuvenating your follicles to grow healthier, stronger, and thicker hair.
Make it a habit – Use your Thairapy program every day. It will become a habit in no time.
Be consistent – The more consistent you are with treatments, the better those before and after photos will look!
Be patient – Hair restoration therapies start at the very root of the hair and begin working deep beneath the surface. It can take 16-24 weeks to see visible results.
1 – 3 Months
Reduced hair loss
Increased hair
Healthier Hair
2 – 6 Months
Increased hair shaft diameter
Fuller overall body
6 – 9 Months
Visible new hair growth on top and crown of head
Thicker and longer hair
Independent studies on core treatment protocols used in Thairapy showed more than 80% of participants saw:
Less hair loss within 90 days
Thicker diameter at base of hair within 90 days
A 30% increase in new hair growth within 180 days.*